The suite allows the complete computerization of HR processes, starting from recruiting to off-boarding.The intuitive interface, the dual mode of supply (on premises and in remote connection), the possibility of importing data contained in other files and databases, the complete historicization of personnel data and the speed of implementation are just some of the characteristics of this simple and complete management.
The main resources toolbar provides basic functionality:
We find numerous fields and windows available for entering specific resource data; similar to other documents, some windows are shared with the customers’ master data and therefore the in-depth analysis are referred to in the relevant sections.
We find 3 buttons to manage the window:Exit: closes the selected tab.
Print: sends a window print screen to the default printer
Modify or Read: assumes 2 states, respectively “Modify” or “Read” to enable or disable the editing of the fields in the window.Among the available fields we find:Code: resource number, automatically managed by the program to guarantee uniqueness.
Update: date of last update.
Busy, Free: this flag indicates the status of the resource, if currently available or committed.
Date: indicative date field, to determine when the resource is available or committed.
Batch: identified number assigned to the resource.
Company Code: company identification code.
SURNAME: last name.
NAME: resource first name.
Date of Birth: date of birth (allows you to automatically calculate their age).
City: City of Birth
SSN: Social Security Number.
Gender: M (Male), F (Female).
State Code, Nationality: status code of birth and nationality.
Marital Status: Unmarried, Married, Widower, Separated, Divorced.
RESIDENCE, DOMICILE: full address of residence and domicile of the resource.
Telephone: 3 telephone number field available.
E-mail: 2 email field available with the relative buttons to open them.In addition to the general personal data fields just discussed, the program provides a series of windows dedicated to entering specific information relating to the selected resource. With these additions it is possible to manage:
We find fields related to notes and descriptions, type of availability (in miles, full or part-time, to transfer, vehicle availability, …). We also find fields related to the facilitating categories (protected, mobility, invalidity, …) and working status (resigned, discharged, trial period and other).
The two sections displayed each have a toolbar to manage this data, that are present in the respective basic master data of the program. Please consult the relevant sections for more details (from the main menu select “Various” + “Specializations” or “Studies”). opens a window that contains various fields, relating to the company for which the resource is committed (“Company” field), the sector and contractual category in which the resource is part of (Sector, Category, CCNL), role and level of employment (Role, Job Title, Level, Remuneration, Insurance), insurance on work risks, remuneration, etc. (Cost of human resources).There are also other fields (flags) that define in detail, elements pertaining to the working relationship: family allowances, model deductions, delivered badge, handbook delivered, medical visit, delivered internal rules, bank references.
A dedicated section is reserved for interviews with the resource, indicating a brief description, the date, the name of the recruiter.
The two sections present each have a toolbar to manage this data, that are present in the respective basic master data of the program. Please consult the relevant sections for more details (from the main menu select “Various” + “Skills” or “Foreign Languages”).
Through the dedicated toolbar it is possible to create or delete rows, where short descriptions and corresponding reference periods can be entered.
This window concludes the list of information that it is possible to associate to the single resource, in order to manage them as part of the work activities and or search for personnel.
We find many fields available for filtered searches, an essential feature to consult on existing resources to find the names suitable for actual needs. Some of these fields also allow searches with multiple references (specializations, studies, foreign languages, skills).
There are printouts already available, others can be added by answering to specific customization needs.
allows the creation of a new document, after selecting the type from the 3 proposed in the combo-box list aside: “Document” for Microsoft Word®, “Excel Sheet” for the Microsoft Excel®, “Drawing” for Autodesk Autocad®.
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